2023 UCD Conway Winter Multicolor Flow Cytometry Workshop

12-14 December 2023; 10:00 – 16:30 daily

Places available: 40
Registration Closing: Monday, 04 December 2023
(Please note: registrations may close early if capacity is reached. Book early to avoid disappointment)
Cost: €150 (Academic, in-person rate)

Location: UCD O’Brien Centre for Science
Rooms: George Moore Auditorium (ground floor)
Practical session will take place at the E2.46 Undergrad Teaching Lab (2nd Floor)

Join the 1st UCD Conway Winter School of Multicolor Flow Cytometry!
During three consecutive days we will review the basic concepts and principles of fluorochromes and fluorescent dyes, we will provide tips and tricks to optimise instruments and samples and we will explain the different controls needed to ensure that your flow cytometry experiments will yield accurate results. Participants will learn the fundamentals of multicolor panel design, familiarise with on-line tools, with OMIP papers and learn the best practices for presenting data. The workshop will be a mix of lectures and hands-on sessions using cutting-edge instrumentation and third-party analysis software that will allow the cytometrist to simplify the analysis of complex data sets.
The workshop has been designed to satisfy participants with basic but also advanced knowledge in cytometry. This is possible based on our experience of organising and delivering very successful cytometry training events at University College Dublin.
For more details: https://lnkd.in/eKKexFRg

Enquiries: For programme specific queries, please email: alfonso.blanco@ucd.ie. For general information, email conway@ucd.ie.