
Contact Us

University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 3c, build 07-13-59,
DK-2200 Copenhagen N

Secretary Jan Pravsgaard Christensen

E-mail address: dsfcm.dk@gmail.com
Office: +45 35327873

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Best practices in imaging & full spectrum cytometry by Cytek

Mini Auditorium 1 Blegdamsvej 3, Copenhagen, Denmark

Cytek has arranged a meeting at Panum Institute about "Best practices in imaging & full spectrum cytometry". The full program and link to sign up for the event is here: https://flowcytometri.dk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Cytek-Spectral-and-Imaging-Flow-Cytometry-Forum-May2023.pdf Any questions about the meeting should be addressed to Cytek, Thomas Franzen - tfranzen at cytekbio.com or Mikael Mikko - mmikko at cytekbio.com  

Cyto 2023 in Montreal

CYTO 2023 The Congress for the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry will be a premier, inclusive, and international conference on the many facets of cytometry science and engineering. Join us for this year’s conference in Montréal, Québec. Montréal is a city renowned for its culture, diversity, and beautiful location along the St. Lawrence… Continue reading Cyto 2023 in Montreal

Cytek User meeting

Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1108, Amsterdam, Netherlands

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Cytek® User Meeting. Register today, as seats are limited. Date: Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20 - 21, 2023 Time: June 20, 2023: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM & June 21, 2023: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Location: O|2 Building, Auditorium Address: De Boelelaan 1108, 1081 HZ Amsterdam, Netherlands

33rd Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry

Berlin Virchowweg 6, Berlin, Germany

The German Society for Cytometry has its 33rd Meeting with this year´s headline Dimensions of Cytometry, face to face from September 19th to 21st, 2023 in Berlin You can read more about it here https://dgfz.org/dear-friends-of-cytometry/

69th meeting in DSFCM

Eduard Biermann Aud Bartholins Allé 3, Aarhus C, Denmark

The preliminary program and registration for the meeting is now ready. The theme for the meeting is “Panel Design and Gating”, where we have invited people to come and share their knowledge in this field. Meeting is: November 9th 2023, kl 11:00-18:00, Eduard Biermann auditorium (1252-204), University of Aarhus, “Søauditorierne”, Bartholins Allé 3. DK-8000 Aarhus… Continue reading 69th meeting in DSFCM

2023 UCD Conway Winter Multicolor Flow Cytometry Workshop

UCD O'Brien Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Dublin, Ireland

2023 UCD Conway Winter Multicolor Flow Cytometry Workshop 12-14 December 2023; 10:00 - 16:30 daily In-Person Places available: 40 Registration Closing: Monday, 04 December 2023 (Please note: registrations may close early if capacity is reached. Book early to avoid disappointment) Cost: €150 (Academic, in-person rate) Location: UCD O'Brien Centre for Science Rooms: George Moore Auditorium… Continue reading 2023 UCD Conway Winter Multicolor Flow Cytometry Workshop

70th meeting in DSFCM

DTU Build 101A Anker Engelundsvej 1, Building 101A, Meeting room 1, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

The 70th meeting and the annual general assembly in DSFCM will take place on April 15, 2024, from 11 AM - 7 PM at DTU, DTU Lyngby campus Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Bygning 101A, 1st floor, meeting room M1 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Program outline (for more details see program) 11 AM - 4 PM  … Continue reading 70th meeting in DSFCM

71st meeting in DSFCM – “Cell Sorting”

Søauditorium Bartholins Allé 3, Aarhus C, Denmark

We are delighted to announce the 71st meeting of the Danish Society for Flow Cytometry (DSFCM), focusing on Cell Sorting. The event will be held at: Søauditorierne, Aarhus University on November 11, 2024. Program Outline: (for more details see program) 11 AM – 4 PM   Join us for an interesting program with the subject… Continue reading 71st meeting in DSFCM – “Cell Sorting”