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DTU Health Tech
Henrik Dams Allé B202,
DK-2800 Kongs Lyngby

Secretary Sébastien Sebbaha

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Taking the current situation in Denmark we have a decided to hold our next meeting as a web meeting.

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 64th meeting in DSFCM. The topic for this meeting will be “Exotic Flow Cytometry and SARS-CoV-2 in flow cytometry laboratories”.

You can see the full program here.

13.00-13.10        Welcome

13.10-13.40        Samplix “Double-emulsion droplet sorting: Strategies and applications for multiomic profiling”, see the presentation.

13.45-14.15        VikingGenetics “Through the years from sperm sorting, to sex-sorting and QC”, see the presentation.

14.20-14.50        How are we dealing with Corona in flow cytometry laboratories – a short introduction by Jan Pravsgaard followed by a discussion, see the presentation.

14.50-15.00        Break

15.00-16.00        General assembly


The meeting has been canceled and the general assembly postponed

The next meeting in the society will be 4/5-2020, 10.00-16.00 at SDU in Odense. The program is now ready for the meeting, see below. Remember you need to sign up for the meeting so we can get lunch and coffee for you. Sign up for the meeting.

Program and map of the venue


10.00-10.15     Arrival

10.15-10.20     Welcome

10.20-11.05     Keynote speaker Jaroslav Dolezel, Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Republic, “Flow cytogenetics: the exotic way of genome sequencing, gene cloning and uncovering chromosome ultrastructure”.

11.10-11.40     Cristina Gamba, Samplix “Exotic Droplets, which helps bringing the Dark Genome to light”.

11.45-12.45     Lunch and exhibition

12.45-13.15     Torben Nybo, VikingGenetics, “Flow Cytometry in cattle semen production, from analyses to sexsorting”

13.20-13.40     Tina Temkiv “Sea-spray experiments coupled with flow cytometry reveal preferential emissions of microorganisms from aqueous environments into the atmosphere”

13.45-14.20     Break with Coffee and exhibition

14.20-14.40     Kasper Urup Kjeldsen “Fluorescence-activated cell sorting for studying microbial dark matter”

14.40-15.00     Frederik Thomsen “Implementation of Flow Cytometry in Dairy Science as an Alternative to Traditional CFU Quantification”

15.00-16.00     General assembly