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DTU Health Tech
Henrik Dams Allé B202,
DK-2800 Kongs Lyngby

Secretary Sébastien Sebbaha

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Aarhus University has arranged a workshop about ImageStream flow cytometry. There will be several presentations in the topic and time to network to share/gain knowledge.

You need to sign up for the meeting:

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For further details contact
Anja B Bohn
The FACS Core Facility
Aarhus University

The FACS core facility in Copenhagen has organised a workshop that may be interesting to you. With increasing numbers of fluorophores and instruments that can analyze such samples one has to have an understand of the design and pitfalls of multicolor analysis.

VP Biological Sciences Robert Balderas will give a talk about “High Parameter Flow Cytometry (>18 markers) takes the research community to an entirely new capability”.

Registration is needed, deadline is January 4th, see information in invitation.

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