Contact Us

DTU Health Tech
Henrik Dams Allé B202,
DK-2800 Kongs Lyngby

Secretary Sébastien Sebbaha

E-mail address:


The general assembly will be held 24/3-2022, 14.00 – 16.00 on zoom.

Agenda is according to the statue. Link and agenda will come shortly

The Board

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 66th meeting of the Danish society for flow cytometry.

The theme for this meeting will be “Challenges in Flow Cytometry“.
Keynote speaker is Andrew Filby, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, UK.

At this meeting we encourage students and researchers to share problems, challenges and troubleshooting related to flow cytometry and imaging flow cytometry. When signing up, choose if you would like to give an oral presentation or present a poster. We anticipate the oral presentation to be 15min each

Students giving an oral presentation at this meeting, will receive a one-year free membership of the Danish Society for Flow Cytometry.

The program can be found here, remember that you need to sign up for the meeting so we can buy coffee, dinner etc, registration up at

The evening program (from 18:00-20:00) is only for members of the society – If you are not a member yet, it only takes a few minutes to become one to attend the social event: